Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Cartoon Brew

Yozzo! fluffy mc cloud's been featured on Cartoon Brew.. (home of respectable nerdery) yessssssss! big thanks to Jerry for the feature!! in udder newz i had a meeting with the lovely people at Psyop this morning- amazing studio and would be incredible to work alongside the talent in there (fingers crossed)! in the mean time the job search continues in nyc and i'm plotting revenge on the mosquitoes that plague my sleep.. something with acid and matches i reckon

if any one that reads this is in nyc, drop me a mail if you fancy hooking the flipp up and hanging the heck out. funnegan@gmail.com


  1. Hey, congrats! Saw you're on kitsune noir as well.

    If you're still here, you should stop by brooklyn tomorrow evening! I'm going to a show at the knitting factory, but there should be plenty of other cheap jams and food available thanks to northside :)
    Cheers again to fluffy mcCloud! - drop me a line if you need info or something about NY shenanigans

  2. Fantastic work Conor! Good luck with Psyop, they are a great studio indeed!

  3. Can we please use your video in a "found around the web post" on our Animation Festival Website:


    please email steph@light-house.co.uk if this is ok.



  4. congrats on getting mention on www.itsnicethat.com too Conor, doing yourself and aaarrgghland proud
